A night to remember…
We are exceptionally lucky to perform at weddings! Every single one individual but as beautiful as the rest!
Throughout the planning for the "big day" we love to get to know the couple and cater for what they want which always builds trust and friendships... a HUGE perk of the "job" ;-)
Vicky and Stu's wedding was no exception! They were amazing and it was certainly a night to remember! Thank you again for having us x
Here are a few images from the awesomely talented Dean Bradley Photography had taken on the night!
Incidentally Dean was our drummer for some years and branched off into the photography world so it was great to work along side him as the newly weds photographer and thanks Dean for these great pics!! .. we love good action shots!
Our diaries are open for bookings including our acoustic duo. The Pause for weddings and events you can go to ..
For photography enquiries you can find Dean at www.deanbradleyphotography.online
You can also see more from Vicious Kitten at www.viciouskitten.band
x VK x